AJ Geckos

Chinese Water Dragon

Physignathus cocincinus

Natural Location - Southeast Asia

Average Lifespan - 18 years

Estimated Size - Males - Up to 36''
          Females - Up to 24''

Relative Humidity - 80%

Lighting/Temperature - Daytime temperature: 83 - 88F, UVB for 12 hours daily cycles
          Nighttime Temperature: 75 - 80F

Housing - 30 gallon glass tank per adult dragon with full mesh screen top

Recommended Food - Crickets, mealworms, butter worms, silk worms, super worms, pinkie mice, vegetables (see recommended veggies) 

Recommended Substrates - Coconut fibre, plantation soil, Jungle Earth, Reptile carpet

Recommended Enclosure Decorations - Semi-tropical plants, large water bowl, vines, smooth climbing rocks

Supplements - Vitamins and calcium powder 3 times weekly

Mr. Woo. Livefood UK ltd. Chiense WAter Dragon Baby. 2010.